Sunday, 8 May 2011


Beauty is a quality of a person, place, animal or a whole world, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a prominent and outstanding experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence. A subject of beauty is anything that resonates with personal meaning. God has gifted beauty to every creature, it can be found in everything human beings,  sky, flowers, plants, mountains, birds etc are all examples of beauty.

The distinction of a person as “beautiful”, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of Inner Beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, charisma, integrity and elegance, and Outer Beauty, (i.e. physical attractiveness) which includes physical factors, such as facial, complexion, health, youthfulness and balance.

Beauty Tips:

Cleanse skin no more than twice daily with a mild cleaner that doesn't over dry your skin. Be sure to use a cleanser meant for your skin type.Moisturizing your skin keeps it soft and smooth. It also helps ward off premature wrinkles. Sensitive and oily skin can be irritated by strong or harsh ingredients. Natural ingredients can help reduce or eliminate the problem. Mixing your own mask will allow you to control which ingredients are included.

 Facial Masks:

For oily skin, mix 2 tsps each of lemon pulp, honey, and water with 4 tbsps of clay. Apply the mask to your face and leave on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water.

For tighter skin, try this mask. Whip two chilled egg whites until they form peaks. Slowly add 1/8 tsp of cornstarch. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse.

For every skin, mix two tbsps of  farina, one tbsp of milk and two drops of  lemon juice. Apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Take one tbsp of yogurt and add two drops of white vinegar and apply it on you face untill dry, rinse it with warm water.

For every skin, take two tbsp of mud and mix one tsp of rose water and two drops of lemon juice. Apply it on face, when dreid rinse it with warm water.

Lighten your skin naturally, Take equal amounts of egg white and lemon juice, Mix these two and heat them on a small frying pan. Wait until the mixture turns semi-solid. Now remove the paste from the pan and keep it inside a jar. Let the jar cool down in a refrigerator. Apply the paste on your skin and wait until 15 minutes before rinsing.

It will lighten skin, take one tablespoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice, tomato juice, and sandalwood paste. Carefully apply the paste on all areas of your face and wait until the paste dries on your face. Rinse your face with clean water and apply moisture in the end.

For gorgeously smooth skin, combine roughly three parts brown sugar with one part olive oil, apply the scrub with your hands and rub when dried rinse it off.

Barley is also helpful for scrubbing.

Hair treatments:

Hair treatments, always blow dry your hair upward. Wash your hair with finger tips and do not rub it with palm. Always wet your hair then take shampoo in your hands rub it gently and apply it.

Hair massage with hot oil brings peace in your life. It makes the hair strong and smooth. You get moisturizer in your hair texture. For reducing stress and tension, this is a fantastic process.

Follow  trimming process after a certain gap of time. It will protect the hair from any kind of damages. You will also solve your split end problem.

Take half lemon, one cup of water and two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add them. Rinse the hair with shampoo; now include the juice mixture in the process. Properly wash the hair with cold water. It will bring out fabulous glow on your locks. 

Choose natural henna powder and mix it in warm water. Add lemon juice, curd, an egg to it. Mixing all of them together, you can make a paste. Now use this on the hair. It will definitely help you to fight with hair loss, hair fall and of course dandruff problem.

Dandruff problem is cured using almond oil and olive oil. Mix these two hair oil and boil them well. Apply this warm mixture on the hair. It will help you to solve the dandruff problem. Prefer using it regularly on the hair. 

Feet treatments:

Home treatment is to wash or soak your feet everyday in lukewarm water and a mild soap. You can add a soothing foot product to help condition your feet if you choose. However, if you’d rather use items from the kitchen, mixing one cup of honey with a gallon of water and soaking ten to fifteen minutes can drastically improve the moisture in the skin. Honey is also a natural antiseptic and is a safe cure for cracked or bleeding skin. Be careful not to use the pumice stone too vigorously on your cracked feet as it may make them worse.

A footbath is a good way to enhance the beauty of your feet. You shall need some warm water and dip your feet in it. Try to avoid using hot water for pampering your feet. In the lukewarm water, put some bath salt and olive oil in it too. The salt component will make the feet soft and also remove the dry skin. The effects of olive oil will give moisturizing treatment to the feet. You have to keep the feet for at least 10 to 15 minutes in it. After that rub your feet with a pumice stone relaxing for a few minutes, dry your feet and apply moisturizer.

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  1. wow, really there are useful tips above for hair. thnx

  2. hi, i like it. it is a nice post & pics too.

  3. I am very beauty conscious n it is nice.

  4. kabhie apne pay bhe yeh azmay karein hahahahhahaha
